HomeBlogGround Improvement and HDD Topics to be Featured at Rocky Mountain NASTT Conference

Ground Improvement and HDD Topics to be Presented at Rocky Mountain North American Society for Trenchless Technology

Ground improvement grouting spiles

Ground Improvement Within a Tunnel Alignment

Presented by Kyle Friedman of Brierley Associates and Ryan Crum from the City and County of Denver

Within the Rocky Mountain region new installation tunnel crossings are generally within alluvial soils prone to settlement during the subsequent tunnel drives. Over the years, third party owners affected by these new installations are pushing back on owners of large diameter trenchless crossings within right-of-ways that cross beneath their property. One practice that has evolved is implementation of ground improvement to better protect third party assets. Within Denver County, the Regional Transit District is requiring permeation grouting underneath their tracks to allow tunneling to commence.

Kyle and Ryan will analyze recent ground improvement programs through new installation tunnel alignments, focusing on where was the modification placed within the tunnel alignment, if the installation affected the third party during the tunnel drive, if the placement of the modification affected the tunnel installation, if excessive settlement occurred to the third party, and what changes to a ground improvement work plan can be made for future projects.


Cranes suspending pipe for HDD installation

Measuring HDD Construction Performance

Presented by Jim Williams, Brierley Associates

HDD Project success can be greatly improved through the measurement of several key parameters that are indicators of specification compliance and potential problems. Parameters such as pilot hole steering, annular drilling fluid pressure, torque, push/pull, and pumping rates are all easily Jim will discuss project case histories to demonstrate the consequences of both success and failure to meet project requirements such as steering tolerances, annular pressure limits, drilling fluid characteristics, and pipe pullback.

Conference Information:

Rocky Mountain NASTT Chapter Trenchless Elevated 2021 Conference

Date: October 27, 2021

Location: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decatur St, Denver, CO 80211

To register, go to NASTT Trenchless Elevated

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