June 12-16, 2022, Duluth Entertainment Convention Center
Duluth, Minnesota
The following papers were accepted for the ASRS Annual Meeting. Brierley’s Mine Subsidence Mitigation and GIS Specialists authored the papers along with Melissa Bautz, Program Principal at Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality – Abandoned Mine Lands Division.
- Remote Sensing and Benefits for Abandoned Mine Subsidence Investigation and Mitigation by Ike Isaacson, Tuesday, June 14, 5:00-5:30 pm
- Abandoned Coal Mine Mitigation in High Pressure Artesian Conditions by Josh Zimmerman, Wednesday, June 15, 8:30-9:00 am
- Techniques and Challenges for Material Stabilization within Historically Mitigated Underground Abandoned Coal Mines by Joel James, Wednesday, June 15, 9:30-10:00 am
- Implementation of an Enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS) for Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Project Data Collection and Efficiency of Client Reporting by Harry Plendl, Tuesday, June 14, 4:00-4:30
- Prioritization of Site Selection for Subsidence Mitigation of Abandoned Mine Lands using GIS and Attribute Criteria Hierarchy by Harry Plendl, Tuesday, June 14, 5:00-5:30 pm
More information and registration for the the conference is available here: 2022 Annual Meeting – American Society of Reclamation Sciences (ASRS)