HomeInDepthGeotechnical Baseline Reports for HDD: When, Why, and How

Geotechnical Baseline Reports for HDD: When, Why, and How Featured in Pacific Northwest Trenchless Review

By: Michelle Macauley, PE, Macauley Expert Services
Nick Strater, PG, Brierley Associates

Michelle Macauley, PE, and Nick Strater, PG, make the case for Geotechnical Baseline Reports (GBR) for HDD construction that are specific, concise, and clearly convey the key geotechnical risks that may impact HDD construction. As HDD installations get longer, larger, and more complicated, cost and risk increases. The goal of a well-written GBR is to establish measurable baseline statements describing ground conditions and behaviors in advance of bidding and construction.

This article describes the challenges of writing a GBR for trenchless projects, what to baseline, what not to baseline, and how to convey baseline conditions.

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