At Brierley Associates, we deliver intrinsic, recognizable value to our owner, A/E firm, and contractor clients by focusing on constructability, efficiency and practicality. Our geotechnical and structural design and consulting services are founded on a keen understanding of our clients’ needs, subsurface conditions, site-specific constraints, and the risks associated with the construction of tunnels, underground facilities and heavy civil infrastructure projects. We strive to make clients glad that they came in contact with our firm.
All of us at Brierley share a common business vision; one that is dedicated to the service of our clients, as we “Create Space Underground”.
- Any expertiseNo results found

Arthur “AJ” McGinn, PhD, PE
Chief Executive Officer
Syracuse, NY
Arthur “AJ” McGinn, PhD, PE
Chief Executive Officer
Syracuse, NY
AJ is our hands-on Chief Executive Officer. He is known for his enthusiasm for mentoring others in underground construction, both at Brierley Associates and elsewhere, by speaking at conferences or serving as a guest lecturer at Cornell University in the areas of excavation support design, rock mechanics, and advanced soil behavior.
AJ has a unique ability to develop innovative, cost-effective, and constructable designs for tunnels, support excavation systems, and provide real-time solutions that manage challenging ground conditions, contractor logistics, and construction phasing issues. He completed his undergraduate studies at Purdue University and earned his PhD in civil engineering with a concentration in geotechnical engineering from Cornell University.

Eric Lindquist, PhD, PE
President, Chairman of the Board
Moraga, CA
Eric Lindquist, PhD, PE
President, Chairman of the Board
Moraga, CA
Eric is a nationally recognized geostructural engineer and designer of complex, yet constructable support of excavations systems in challenging ground conditions and urban settings. He completed his Ph.D. dissertation on the strength and deformation properties of mélange (complex rock bodies made up of stronger blocks embedded in a weaker matrix material). His dissertation was nominated for the Rocha Medal, the annual award presented to the top dissertation in the field of rock mechanics in the world. Eric received the 1991 Harry Bolton Seed Award as the top graduate student in the U.C. Berkeley Geotechnical Engineering Department. In 1990 he was one of only six U.C. Berkeley undergraduates awarded a Certificate of Distinction for his academic work.

Dave Sackett, CPG, PG
Chief Operations Officer/Engineering Geologist
Tampa, FL; Norfolk, VA
Dave Sackett, CPG, PG
Chief Operations Officer/Engineering Geologist
Tampa, FL; Norfolk, VA
Dave knows how to interpret geophysical data and geotechnical reports in both English and Spanish. His expertise is within the application of geoscientific data to engineering projects constructed within soft soils to hard, crystalline rock. Dave previously managed the Norfolk, VA office of an international consultancy and served as North/South America ports business sector leader, with a focus on design/build of large infrastructure projects and managed geotechnical and engineering offices in Venezuela, Trinidad, Panama and Chile. Dave is our Chief Operations Officer and keeps our ship running smoothly.

Vickie Watkins
Chief Financial Officer
Tampa, FL
Vickie Watkins
Chief Financial Officer
Tampa, FL
Vickie wears several hats at Brierley Associates. Her primary responsibilities include finance and accounting, but she is also responsible for Human Resources, and anything else that gets thrown her way. Vickie has been with Brierley since 2007 and has more than 20 years of experience in accounting, operations, and management.

Charles Luxford, PE, SE, PEng
Director of Engineering
Austin, TX
Charles Luxford, PE, SE, PEng
Director of Engineering
Austin, TX
Charles is Brierley’s Director of Engineering. Charles’ experience with one of North America’s largest and heavy civil contractors enables him to deliver constructable designs for: earth retention systems, cofferdams, falsework & formwork, erection & demolition sequencing, multiple crane lifts, customized rigging, rebar cage handling, access platforms and marine operations. Our contractor clients rely on Charles to solve a wide array of challenges on high profile projects in urban or constrained work sites.

Nick Strater, PG
Trenchless and HDD Sectors Leader
Bedford, NH
Nick Strater, PG
Trenchless and HDD Sectors Leader
Bedford, NH
Nick is leader of our Trenchless and HDD Sectors. His specialties include rock and soil tunnels; trenchless designs ranging from horizontal directional drilling to pilot tube auger bore; microtunneling; rock slope evaluation and stability; rock blasting and, forensic geology. Nick serves on American Society of Civil Engineers Trenchless Installation of Pipelines (TIPS) Committee and ASCE committees developing Manuals of Practice for pilot tube, auger boring, and the Direct PipeTM methods. Mr. Strater is a frequent invited lecturer on the topics of trenchless method selection, design and risk management. He has authored more than 25 industry papers and presentations on topics ranging from trenchless technology to rock slope stability assessment and mitigation strategies.

Jon “Ike” Isaacson, GE, CEG, PE, PG
Director of Geological Services, Tunnel Sector Leader
Milwaukee, WI; Chicago, IL
Jon “Ike” Isaacson, GE, CEG, PE, PG
Director of Geological Services, Tunnel Sector Leader
Milwaukee, WI; Chicago, IL
Ike, our Director of Geological Services and Tunnel Sector Leader, is a true renaissance man. He is licensed as a professional engineer and a professional geologist, in addition to being a licensed aircraft pilot. His interdisciplinary knowledge of engineering and geology, experience as a consultant, owner’s representative, and tunnel contractor is truly unique.
Ike’s tunnel experience includes design review, constructability, grouting, ground improvement, ground freezing, geotechnical instrumentation, rehabilitation, construction logistics, hyperbaric interventions, ground loss mapping and remediation. His broad knowledge, skill sets, and experiences, combined with his passion for solving geologic puzzles, provide him with a well-rounded, pragmatic approach that promotes project success.

Russell Lutch, PE
Construction Sector Lead
Detroit, MI
Russell Lutch, PE
Construction Sector Lead
Detroit, MI
Russell’s experience working for one of North America’s largest general contractors has given him hands-on understanding of how contractors implement efficient geo-structural designs. Since joining Brierley Associates, he has brought this knowledge to the delivery of the effective and constructable geotechnical and structural design of deep shafts and tunnels in soil and rock, excavation support systems, cofferdams, shallow and deep foundations, marine construction, and the design of permanent steel and reinforced concrete structures.
Dave Hibbard, PG
Geohazards Sector Leader
Laramie, WY
Dave Hibbard, PG
Geohazards Sector Leader
Laramie, WY
Dave is leader of our Geohazards Team. Dave specializes in geologic hazards assessment, subsidence risk evaluation, subsidence mitigation strategies, ground improvement, remote and geospatial analysis, hydrogeologic characterization, slope stability analysis, and geographic information sciences. He has worked on an assortment of civil and geologic projects relating to historic underground mine mitigation, trenchless tunnels, earthwork, dam assessment, road improvement and design, bridge improvement and design, engineered foundation materials, oil and gas exploration, geologic site characterization, geotechnical drilling and sampling, and lab testing/analysis.
Nancy Nuttbrock, PE, DBIA
National Business Development Lead
Houston and Austin, TX
Nancy Nuttbrock, PE, DBIA
National Business Development Lead
Houston and Austin, TX
Nancy Nuttbrock, PE, DBIA is our Nationwide Business Development Lead. She has developed a well-rounded career spanning over 20 years in tunneling and underground development; engineering and regulatory expertise relative to the mining industry; high-level project management and successful leadership. Nancy has served in various capacities in her nearly 14-year tenure with Brierley, including most recently Chief Operations Officer and Corporate Secretary. She will now share those experiences by mentoring staff and partners through the lessons learned from numerous executive-level organizational and leadership roles. This, coupled with her engineering background, provides a unique opportunity to foster Brierley’s growth, internally and externally. Nancy also brings a unique perspective gained from her tenure with Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) where she served as the Administrator of the Land Quality Division and Deputy Director of Wyoming’s DEQ.
Sean Harvey, PG, CEG
Tunnel Sector Leader, Western Region
Leawood, KS
Sean Harvey, PG, CEG
Tunnel Sector Leader, Western Region
Leawood, KS
Sean is a licensed professional engineering geologist with more than 20 years of progressive experience in geotechnical and geologic engineering applications for underground design and construction, trenchless and tunnel design and construction, mining, and commercial construction. He routinely manages projects for underground design and construction, underground feasibility and design evaluation, initial support design and evaluation, rock mechanics, geotechnical investigations, geologic interpretation, and construction observation. He completed a Master of Science degree in Mining and Earth Systems Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines and is a Certified Engineering Geologist and registered Professional Geologist.
Bill Zietlow, PE
Geostructural Consultant
Denver, CO
Bill Zietlow, PE
Geostructural Consultant
Denver, CO
Bill has worked in geotechnical engineering for more than 25 years and specializes in design of earth support systems for tunnels, shafts, road cuts, and temporary excavations such as soil nail, tieback, sheet pile, soldier pile, and micropile walls. He has also designed deep foundations and landslide stabilizations. He primarily provides design services for specialty contractors on design-build projects but has also provided geotechnical designs for public and private owners, primarily on transportation and utility works. He has design, construction observation, geotechnical investigation, and project management experience on a wide variety of projects and ground conditions across the Western and Midwestern United States. His responsibilities include engineering design, project management, and claim support services. He completed a Master of Science in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Minnesota.
Jake Koelliker
BIM and Virtual Design & Construction Sector Leader
Kanab, UT
Jake Koelliker
BIM and Virtual Design & Construction Sector Leader
Kanab, UT
Jake is our BIM/Virtual Design and Construction Leader. He collaborates with clients to efficiently design solutions for complex engineering projects. Jake specializes in developing 2D/3D engineered solutions for complex challenges associated with underground construction in dense urban cores.
Jeremiah Jezerski, PE
Tunnel and Advanced Geotechnical Design Engineer
Syracuse, NY
Jeremiah Jezerski, PE
Tunnel and Advanced Geotechnical Design Engineer
Syracuse, NY
Jeremiah’s knowledge and adaptability makes him an indispensable team member on many tunnel, shaft and advanced geotechnical design and construction projects. Jeremiah has served as Design Manager on some of our most challenging projects including Northeast Boundary Tunnel, a $580 million CSO design/build project in our nation’s Capital, and the award winning Twin Box Vehicle Tunnels at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA, which featured an innovative “box pulling operation” beneath three Norfolk Southern railway lines. Jeremiah knows how to get things done by building the right team for the job.
Anna Crockford, PEng
Geological Engineer / Denver Office Leader
Denver, CO
Anna Crockford, PEng
Geological Engineer / Denver Office Leader
Denver, CO
Anna has a technical background in rock mechanics, underground design, geotechnical design, and dams and levees design. She has worked on a wide range of projects in the mining and heavy civil industries, including conveyance and water storage projects. Her background in Geological Engineering has enabled her to incorporate regional structural geology, geological features and historical land use in the geotechnical characterization of complex rock masses, including domain delineation and structural analyses for individual project sites. Anna’s design experience includes embankment construction and slope protection, seepage analyses, trenchless installations, underground excavation and support, pillar stability analyses, calibration and interpretation of numerical models, engineered slope design, and slope stability and hazard mitigation.
Brian Dorwart, PE, PG
Trenchless Specialist
Bedford, NH
Brian Dorwart, PE, PG
Trenchless Specialist
Bedford, NH
Brian has more than 5 decades of experience and has built his career developing efficient trenchless solutions for a variety of applications ranging from new construction to pipe and tunnel rehabilitation. His areas of specialization include interaction of ground to excavation tools and natural environmental processes, and ground modification for construction. He applies this skillset to trenchless technologies including directional drilling and pipe rehabilitation and, construction of small to large tunnels. Using this experience, Brian delivers assessments of existing structures and evidence-based design of situation-appropriate rehabilitation technologies. Brian is a distinguished member of the North American Society for Trenchless Technologies Hall of Fame.
Tom Pullen, PG
Engineering Geologist, Minneapolis Office Leader
Cottage Grove, MN
Tom Pullen, PG
Engineering Geologist, Minneapolis Office Leader
Cottage Grove, MN
Tom leads Brierley’s Upper Mid-West project efforts. He is another of Brierley’s project leaders who bring real-life perspective to design and troubleshooting, as he was a foreman for a utility contractor specializing in trenchless construction prior to his academic education. Tom’s experience includes underground design; geotechnical site characterization; trenchless design and construction; grouting programs and tunnel rehabilitation; and claims analysis and evaluation for both owners and contractors.
Jim Williams, PE, PMP
Senior Trenchless Engineer
Tampa, FL
Jim Williams, PE, PMP
Senior Trenchless Engineer
Tampa, FL
Jim Williams, PE, PMP, has a uniquely comprehensive perspective on project execution, having completed projects as an owner, consulting engineer, and a contractor primarily in Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and other trenchless methods. This has allowed him to remain on the cutting edge of current technology in this niche. Because of this expertise, he is frequently asked to lead trainings and presentations on industry standards and trends.
Kyle Friedman, PE
Project Engineer
Denver, CO
Kyle Friedman, PE
Project Engineer
Denver, CO
Kyle is a geotechnical engineer with project management, design, and construction management experience within commercial construction and tunneling. His experience includes deep and shallow foundation investigations/design, specialty geotechnical studies, swelling soils, construction observation and testing, and material testing services. Kyle’s true skills come from being a knowledgeable, hands-on field project manager working with owners and contractors on their projects in a quality control/quality assurance role. He has worked on projects across the U.S. involving a variety of ground conditions.
Eric Michal, PE, SE
Geostructural Engineer
Moraga, CA
Eric Michal, PE, SE
Geostructural Engineer
Moraga, CA
Eric has more than 10 years of experience designing excavation shoring, pile foundations, and various contractor support functions including concrete formwork and structure loading. His experience with excavation shoring includes cantilevered, braced, and tied-back piles, soil nail walls, underpinning, and secant pile walls. Pile foundations include design of augercast piles, soil mixing, and micropiles. He is experienced at monitoring construction practices, analyzing field issues, designing and inspecting concrete formwork, and analyzing surcharge loads on both temporary and permanent structures.
Seth Hoffman, PE, SE
Structural Engineer
Aurora, IL
Seth Hoffman, PE, SE
Structural Engineer
Aurora, IL
Seth’s experience includes structural design, detailing, and construction phase engineering and design of: support-of-formwork, falsework, support of excavation systems, cofferdams, shallow and deep foundations, analysis and reinforcement of existing structures for temporary conditions during construction, investigation of deteriorated structures and design of repairs, rigging and lift design, multiple crane lifts, rebar cage bracing and handling, and marine construction. Prior to joining Brierley, he spent 7 years in a design and project management role for one of North America’s largest and heavy civil contractors.
Russell Berends, PE
Geostructural Engineer
Denver, CO
Russell Berends, PE
Geostructural Engineer
Denver, CO
Russell specializes in support of excavations, tunnels, and deep foundations. His geostructural design capabilities encompass foundation engineering, slope stability analysis, shoring, earth dams, and landfills. Russell’s design projects include 7,500-feet of trench shoring for the BART metro line extension in the San Francisco Bay Area and pre-cast tunnel liner segment design for over 10,000-ft of 10-ft diameter EPB-TBM tunnel in Los Angeles. He has co-authored several papers including: “Tunnel Lining Design: Seven Things You Need to Know,” and “A Measurement of Filtration Effects on the Transmissivity of Geocomposite Drains for Phosphogypsum.”
Josh Zimmermann, PE, GIT
Geotechnical Engineer
Cottage Grove, MN
Josh Zimmermann, PE, GIT
Geotechnical Engineer
Cottage Grove, MN
Josh’s experience as a construction material technician served as the launching point into his experience with geotechnical design, soil & rock mechanics, geophysical observations, special inspections, field investigations, tunnel rehabilitation/repair, grouting and construction monitoring. His effective communication skills are essential to creating strong client relationships and ensure project completion. He is also a certified tunnel safety inspector with the National Highway Institute.
Danny Maine, PE
Geotechnical Engineer
Raliegh, NC
Danny Maine, PE
Geotechnical Engineer
Raliegh, NC
Danny specializes in Geotechnical and Civil Engineering. His career encompasses a wide variety of projects ranging from large scale Design-Build and P3 projects to smaller scale on-call contracts with local municipalities. He has designed in a wide range of challenging geologic environments ranging from soft soils in alluvial and marine environments to stiff residual soils and rock. In addition to design, Danny has a solid foundation in geotechnical investigations, planning and executing site work, managing drilling and testing subcontractors, as well as a good working knowledge of heavy civil construction practices.
Amshu Chappa, PE
Geostructural Engineer
Moraga, CA
Amshu Chappa, PE
Geostructural Engineer
Moraga, CA
Ms. Chappa is experienced in the fields of Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering in Heavy Civil. Her experience includes design of excavation shoring, deep foundations and various contractor support functions. Her excavation shoring design experience includes tied-back and internally braced systems using sheet piles, deep-soil mix walls, concrete secant piles, slurry diaphragm walls and soldier piles and lagging. She has also designed soil nail walls and underpinning systems. Deep foundations design experience includes drilled displacement piles, auger cast piles and micropiles. Other design experiences also include the design of temporary bridges and stair tower support systems. Contractor support includes analyzing field concerns and inspecting concrete formwork.
Brent Lindeloff, PE
Trenchless Engineer
Weaverville, NC
Brent Lindeloff, PE
Trenchless Engineer
Weaverville, NC
Brent has acquired a very broad base of civil engineering experience, focusing primarily on water and wastewater infrastructure. He has developed significant expertise in trenchless construction, planning and design in mid to large diameter water, wastewater, and storm applications. Brent’s interests include horizontal directional drilling, pilot tube guided boring, conventional auger boring, Microtunneling, shield tunneling and tunnel shaft construction and design.
Melissa Bautz, PG
Subsidence Mitigation Specialist
Laramie, WY
Melissa Bautz, PG
Subsidence Mitigation Specialist
Laramie, WY
Melissa was formerly Program Principal and Mine Reclamation Project Manager with the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Abandoned Mine Lands Program. She enhances our capabilities through her extensive experience managing several multi-million dollar mine reclamation projects in Wyoming. She provides project oversight and assists with project design, groundwater research, and geologic interpretation. Melissa increases the value we provide to our AML clients and expands our role in subsidence mitigation nationwide. Melissa earned her BS in Geology with an emphasis on Hydrogeology from California State Polytechnic University and her MS in Geology with an emphasis on Structural Geology and Tectonics from University of Missouri. She’s a licensed Professional Geologist in Wyoming.
Joel James
Geotechnical Engineer
Laramie, WY
Joel James
Geotechnical Engineer
Laramie, WY
Joel leads our Laramie, WY office and focuses on land subsidence mitigation and geotechnical engineering. He has a wide array of underground and civil works construction and management experience. His constructability analyses relies on more than seven years in the field managing, supervising, and constructing pipelines, structural concrete, roadways, and water treatment facilities prior to receiving a B.S. in Civil Engineering. Joel’s positive attitude ,great work ethic and construction knowledge make him capable of fulfilling a wide range of roles for almost any project.
Zach Anderson, PE
Geostructural Engineer
Syracuse, NY
Zach Anderson, PE
Geostructural Engineer
Syracuse, NY
Zach is proficient with design and analysis software such as RISA3D, STAAD.Pro, CivilTech Shoring Suite and CivilTech Allpile and utilizes these to develop efficient designs for a variety of heavy civil works. He has performed analysis and design of support of excavation systems, cofferdams, temporary construction works, reinforced concrete, masonry, timber and steel buildings, shallow and deep foundations and permanent earth retaining structures. He has developed technical specifications for atypical construction such as fiber-reinforced plastic grating and structural shape platforms, concrete mix design for tipping floors, shaft lining, diaphragm slurry walls and flowable fills.
Kris Burnham, PE
Geotechnical Engineer
Syracuse, NY
Kris Burnham, PE
Geotechnical Engineer
Syracuse, NY
Kris is a Senior Professional Geotechnical Engineer specializing in designs for support of excavation systems including soldier pile and lagging walls, soil nail walls, MSE walls, reinforced secant pile walls, slurry/diaphragm walls, unreinforced secant pile circular shafts, and steel sheet pile walls. In addition to overburden support of excavation systems, Kris performs initial rock support designs including support for starter and tail tunnels.
Clifton Simmons
GIS Analyist
Laramie, WY
Clifton Simmons
GIS Analyist
Laramie, WY
Clif is an accomplished GIS analyst with a solid understanding of mapping fundamentals, principals, and spatial analysis with extensive experience working with Esri technology and other mapping disciplines including web and mobile applications. He is experienced in various mapping and imagery technologies for transportation, federal, state, county, and local governments, and land use agreement databases.